- Languages of Instruction: Study abroad students take coursework in English and/or and Italian, depending on the programmatic track they choose. All students will take a required Italian Language and Italian Studies course, offered at levels between A1 and C2 (CEFR). There are no Italian language prerequisites to participate in the program.
- Classroom Peers: MADE study abroad students study and live alongside Italian and other international students as they engage with the Sicilian community.
- Credits: MADE courses for study abroad students are transcripted in ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. It is generally accepted that in order to convert from ECTS to US semester credits, one should divide the ECTS total by two (2), whereby the majority of courses listed below are worth 3 US semester credits.
- Assessment: All courses for study abroad students will be assessed continuously throughout the term to evaluate students’ progress. Students will be evaluated through any combination of the following: attendance, presentations, group work, quizzes, exams, presentations, portfolios, and written work including but not limited to reflections, short essays, term papers, bibliographies, etc. Assessment for art and design coursework will be determined by the individual professor but will generally include: attendance in lectures, studio hours, progress and skill assessed throughout the term, along with a final portfolio or project.
- Attendance Policy: In accordance with the Bologna Plan for higher education in the European Union, attendance is mandatory for all classes. Students may miss up to 20% of their semester classes and 10% of their summer classes without it affecting their final grade; however, it is not recommended that students use all allotted absences. Documentation will be required and work missed must be made up.
- Learning Accommodations: If study abroad students require special accommodations or have any medical condition that may affect their academic performance, please ensure that they have turned in necessary documentation before arrival in Syracuse. Cases will be evaluated on an individual basis. For more information, please contact your Regional Director of University Relations early in the process.
- Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is a fundamental principle underpinning all coursework at MADE for all students. Academic dishonesty is the failure to maintain academic integrity. It includes, but is not limited to, obtaining or giving unauthorized aid on an examination, having unauthorized prior knowledge of the content of an examination, doing work for another student, having work done by another person for the student, and plagiarism. Study abroad provides an opportunity to develop your critical thinking skills, engage with new and different kinds of academic knowledge, and demonstrate the extent of your reading. Plagiarizing the work of others undermines the learning experience and devalues the hard work of others.